Home General News Titus-in-Crete: Healing Jesus Cathedral Council (Spintex) sets right the things which still require attention… Titus 1:5

Titus-in-Crete: Healing Jesus Cathedral Council (Spintex) sets right the things which still require attention… Titus 1:5

by Admin

The Healing Jesus Cathedral Council (Spintex) of the Healing Jesus Mission International Denomination, held its bi-annual “Titus-in-Crete”. The program designed for church workers imparted knowledge and a platform for all church workers to be appraised.

The Convener Bishop Ato Dickson set the ball rolling on the subject of Barrenness – its definition, symptoms and diagnosis. “When barrenness is taken away, fruitfulness is always the result.”

Teaching from the book Overcoming Barrenness written by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Bishop Ato explained to participants that barrenness is not God’s plan and neither is it God’s intention. In bearing fruit and much fruit, God is glorified. Our lack of interest is what generates “Barrenness”.

Five Hebrew words were used in describing “Types of Barrenness”.

  • Aqar: This word means the destruction or removal of generative organs, to have non functioning organs.
  • Shakol: This means to miscarry, to suffer abortion, to make childless and to be deprived of children.
  • Melachah: This word means a salted land, a desert or a barren land. It speaks of no produce and no life.
  • Otser: This means to in close, to hold back and to maintain. It also means to shut up, to withhold and to stop.
  • Tsiyah: This word speaks of being parched and barren, a drought, a dry land and a wilderness.

Lack of worship, lifting of hands and prayer is a sign of barrenness in churches. Barrenness also manifests in the church’s inability to retain members and first timers, church members intentionally holding back their gifts and talents, deficiency in outreach activities, etc.

There was a performance appraisal followed by recommendations from the Convener and the panel. The floor was opened for questions from church workers.

Bishop Kweku Amponsah opened another session with excerpts from Bishop Dag’s book on “The Art of leadership”. A thrilling exposé on “Choose hard and difficult things instead of nice and easy things.” Many of the things that will take one forward in life are hard and difficult things, like having a quiet time everyday, praying for hours everyday, fasting regularly, learning to do new things, educating yourself constantly by reading books, obeying whatever God tells you etc., yet most people choose nice and easy things.

This informative and educative “Titus-in-Crete” ended with participants strengthened and encouraged for Kingdom Business.

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Tika Nelson September 30, 2021 - 7:17 pm

This is very very good to make somebody like me to learn more and more . I thank God for the life our prophet

Judah Richard Aklasu October 5, 2021 - 6:23 pm

I really love this site.


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