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Fruitfulness! This was the theme for the first-ever camp meeting of the American Missionary Church Denomination with Apostle Joel Obuobisa. The theme was culled from a book of the same title written by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills. The camp was a blast!

On the first night, after a charged atmosphere of prayer, Apostle Joel introduced the theme of Fruitfulness from John 15:16 which says: 
“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, THAT YE SHOULD
GO AND BRING FORTH FRUIT, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye
shall ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” (KJV)

He clearly explained, with vivid analogies and illustrations, that it was God’s main purpose for every church member within the American Missionary Church Denomination to be fruitful.

More than 350 attendees from Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, California, Washington, and Utah as well as the Canadian Provinces of British, Columbia and Alberta, attended this vibrant and Holy Spirit-filled camp meeting alongside a SAVED camp for six-to-eleven-year-olds titled, ‘Ready @ 20’ was held at the Marriott Hotel in Woodland Hills, a suburb of Los Angeles, California.

Subsequent days were nothing short of amazing. Apostle Joel delved deeper into his teaching as he used the examples of Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Ishmael to expound on the fact that God has a purpose for each and everyone of the attendees and the AMC churches in America. He also used some of these examples to explain how our fruitfulness is connected to God’s covenant with our Father and Prophet Bishop Dag. 

Apostle Joel set a goal for all to pray for 24 hours before the camp was over. To the Glory of God, attendees prayed for a combined 23 hours across the four days of the camp. This included a 4-hour FLOW prayer session with Bishop Dag Heward-Mills that was live-broadcast into the camp meeting auditorium.

He taught us how speaking in tongues ushers us into realms and dimensions that our natural minds cannot understand. There was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit after this teaching with several camp attendees receiving the Holy Ghost baptism evidenced by speaking in tongues for the first time! The Holy Spirit-filled atmosphere of prayer and spiritual manifestations was simply fantastic! Many were delivered as the atmosphere was charged with prayers for fruitfulness. Apostle Joel prayed, laid hands, and anointed every adult and child at the camp. He also prophesied to the AMC denominations that they will have centurion churches, that the churches will count their numbers in the hundreds in the name of Jesus. 

The concurrent camp for the SAVED Church taught the young people the importance of serving God even though they are young. The lessons were taught through interactive sermons, music, and dance. It was exciting to see young children who already love Jesus and want to live for Him.

It was a glorious time at this maiden camp of the American Missionary Church! We look forward to the next camp! The American Missionary Church denomination will never be the same again thanks to this impartation and commission for fruitfulness!
To God be the glory!

Rev. Akwasi Mensah AMC

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