Home General News MAIDEN EDITION OF POLAG QUIZ (Provoking One Another Unto Love and Good Works) IN THE MEGA CHURCH, BANTAMA COUNCIL


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The first edition of the Bantama Council inter-branches Bible Quiz Contest dubbed, POLAG, came to its conclusion on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. POLAG, stands for Provoking One Another Unto Love and Good Works based on Hebrews 10:24. The purpose of this contest, put together by Rev. William Agbo, is to stir up a deeper teaching and study of the Bible to children in the SAVED churches in the Bantama Council in order to achieve in every child what the Apostle Paul said of his son in 2 Timothy 3:15: “And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

This maiden edition saw eight churches participating in four group contests in May: Bantama, Boadi, Anwomaso, Suame, Mfensi, Adiembra, Mamponteng and Fankyenebra. Bantama, Boadi and Suame made it to the semi-finals which were held in June, but Anwomaso who had the highest losing score in the group stage were brought back to contest Fankyenebra in a third semi-final contest. In the end, Bantama, Boadi and Anwomaso qualified to contest in the finals.

The tension leading up to the final contest was very high as each team and their teachers prepared diligently for the whole month of July for the title. The night began with song ministrations from children from the Saved Church of the True Vine Cathedral, and from the True Vine Olives.

Each branch was represented by three contestants, and the quiz master was Rev. Emmanuel Korley, who came all the way from Accra. Archbishop Patrick himself and pastors of the Bantama Council were present at this high stake final contest.

The quiz covered the areas of General Bible Knowledge, Church History and Facts about the United Denominations, Must Know Scriptures from 1Timothy, scriptures on foundational Christian doctrines such as repentance, faith, baptism, laying on of hands, resurrection and judgement. There were riddles also in other rounds.

All in all, Boadi came out as Winners of POLAG 2023. It was an exciting event and we learnt many things from the Bible that we did not know before. We look forward to next year’s edition which should hopefully be an inter-council contest.

Rev. William Agbo

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