The Healing Jesus Campaign marked a groundbreaking milestone with its historic first visit to Ethiopia, where a great and effectual door was opened, leaving an indelible impact on the nation. Over three nights, a spiritual awakening swept through Adama, a bustling city about 100 kilometers from Addis Ababa. Countless souls embraced salvation, showcasing the power of healing and miracles.

The scenic blue skies of Adama served as a stunning canvas for the life-changing experiences that unfolded. The atmosphere was electric with faith as Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills delivered his heartfelt sermons, weaving together simple yet profound illustrations to convey the message of Christ. Each night, the Word of God resonated deeply, touching hearts, stirring spirits, and inspiring life-altering decisions for Christ. The city came alive with the sounds of joy, as testimonies of healing and salvation echoed throughout the gathering.

A significant highlight of the campaign was the Pastors and Church Workers Conference, which brought together leaders and church workers from across the region. Drawing from his book Catch the Anointing, Evangelist Heward-Mills taught on “Changing Levels,” inspiring fresh passion for spiritual growth. The palpable sense of renewal and empowerment ensured that participants left the conference equipped and eager to elevate their ministries to new heights.

These three nights of spirit-filled preaching and miracles left a lasting mark on Adama. As the city moves forward, transformed by the campaign’s impact, the anticipation for the next Ethiopian Healing Jesus Campaign is already building. Adama will never be the same, and the seeds sown will bear fruit for generations to come.
Jojo Vanderpuye