At last, the much anticipated day for the Fruitfulness Conference arrived and by afternoon the compound of the Alpha and Omega Cathedral was filled with already registered participants from both the United Denominations and outside, who travelled from all over the Provinces in Mozambique (From Beira, Inhambane, Xai-Xai, Chokwe, Tete, Maxixe, Matola and Maputo) to bask in the glory of God’s presence and drink deep of the fountain of living waters, the Almighty had in store for each individual (Zechariah10:1b).

This year’s Fruitfulness Conference was graced and blessed by special guests and international Ministers principal among whom was Apostle José Edmilson from the Igreja Evangélica Comunidade Global, Brasil who is also a Board Member of the Healing Jesus Campaign; Pastor Luís Manuel the General Superintendent and Executive Board Member of the Assemblies of God in Mozambique.
There were many Non-United Denomination Founders and pastors of churches and denominations across all the provinces of Mozambique.

Bishop Frank Otchere, in introducing the Conference on the first day, stated concisely that it was one meant to train and make us work for God. He went further and unlocked great truths from the book Many Are Called during the first night; expounding with clarity Four Facts about the Call of God. He narrated the incidence of His spiritual father’s visit, Prophet Dag Heward-Mills to his local church, having a service with them and laying hands on him after preaching a very powerful message. A sudden supernatural desire to be a missionary filled him from that day onwards throwing more light on the fact that many are called through a desire.

The subsequent sessions the following day saw our two special guests, Ps Luis Manuel and Ps Jose Edmilson ministering from different aspects of the Word of God on Fruitfulness and Church Work. Bishop Aparche shared from Prophet’s books, Many Are Called, Steps to The Anointing, and Honoring the Anointed and His Anointing. Each session was indeed awesome revealing the diverse gifts God has placed in his servants who poured out their hearts to be a blessing to God’s people.

We have been totally impacted with the grace for fruitfulness in the Ministry and every aspect of our lives. Each participant left the Conference with electronic copies of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ books and sermons; and a physical book (Enlargement Secrets)
What a Conference, what a blessed time in the presence of God, a group of revived Ministers and servants of God raised to go throughout Mozambique and the whole world to be fruitful in every good work (Col 1:10), We shall certainly come back next year with more fruits and great testimonies of what God has done through the Fruitfulness Conference 2024.
Bishop Nelson Cudjoe Agbemava
Primeiras Obras Denomination