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December 2021 – In the midst of a global pandemic; hopes shattered, dreams crushed. The fear of the unknown; total emptiness. Colts tied; who can save them all? 

“From today you can preach”. In a small room in Suhum, a minor town on the Eastern stretch in Ghana, the Evangelist heard these words which changed the course of his ministry forever!

After a long halt from campaigns, the Evangelist begun his crusades at the very place where his preaching impartation materialized. As the Healing Jesus Campaign caravan drove slowly into the Suhum Township,  Hosanna was the chorus on the lips of the people- “HOSANNA!” 

In three days and three nights, the Evangelist preached Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! John 3:16 has been the message of the Evangelist since the conception of the Healing Jesus Campaigns in 2004. A pandemic could not change the message. The pandemic could not stop the overflow of strange miracles each night. Lumps melted away. Tumours vanished. Swollen faces were repaired. Sight was restored. 

Indeed, Suhum encountered the Saviour of the world-Healing Jesus!

These are not even the shockers. Out of a total attendance of 28,444, 27,875 got saved unto Jesus! Sheol is getting empty! Let the saints rejoice! Is this not what we pray for? Is this not the glory we hope to see? Is salvation not the beginning of great blessings? 

“…Alleluia! Salvation and Glory and Honour and Power, unto the Lord our God…” (Revelations 19:1) Onward we go! The Healing Jesus Campaign is back and it will not stop now! 

Esme Smith

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