Archbishop Kwasi Ampofo performed the Dedication Ceremony, assisted by Bishop Christian Ago Mensah.
The Youth in Paninamisa in the Bono-East Region of Ghana, receive direction for their lives, as they surrender their lives to Christ, at a service to commission a brand new church building in their town. The Project was fully funded by a sister church from the San Francisco Bay Area, in the United States of America. Archbishop Kwasi Ampofo was there to dedicate it to the Glory of God.
Look what the Lord has done! Bawa Akura in the Bono-East Region of Ghana is blessed with its own community church. It was financed by Mr. Samuel Aidoo and dedicated by Archbishop Kwasi Ampofo.
Archbishop Kwasi Ampofo dedicates a new Community Church in Sibi town, (Oti Region of Ghana). It was funded by the First Love Church, North America.
Archbishop dedicates new church building at Jankun, Northern Region
Dedication of Jankun church located in the Northern Region of Ghana. This church becomes an island in the rainy season when the Oti river overflows its banks and floods the whole area making the use of boats as the only means of transportation to and from the village.