Nestled in the beautiful, serene mountain range of Aburi Jamaicaso in the Eastern Region of Ghana
‘I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was homeless and you gave me a room, I was shivering and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Matthew 25:35
The Orphanage, formerly Lighthouse Christian Children’s Home, now St. Elisabeth’s Home started in May 2006 by our First Lady, Episcopal Sister Adelaide Heward-Mills, in obedience to Prophet Dag Heward-Mills’ desire to fulfill Matthew 25:35-40.
Nestled in the beautiful, serene mountain range of Aburi Jamaicaso in the Eastern Region of Ghana, the Home started with 3 dormitory-style accommodation for boys, girls, and a nursery. It now boasts of twenty-one 4-bedroom apartments, catering for family-style living, where a mother lives with 6 children of varying ages.
Currently in-house, we have 44 children aged between 3 months and 24 years; but the Home has been shelter for about 80 children since its inception.
Several of the children aged 10 years and below are in the St. Adelaide Schools. The rest are in schools on the Akuapem ridge such as Beacon International, Mampong MOH Schools, Christland Preparatory School. 2 of our girls and 3 of our boys are in Senior High Schools. 3 are in Tertiary: University of Ghana, Legon, University of Education, Winneba, and Koforidua Technical University.
So far, all children still live at home, although the older ones practice semi-independent living in a half-way home.
Funding is provided by the Mothers’ Club, which was set up by ES Adelaide, to help cater for the needs of the children. Several other benevolent supporters also make their due contribution.
By obeying Jesus’ call to feed the hungry and bring strangers home, the Prophet has given many a child who would probably have ended up on the streets in a life of crime and poverty, a chance at life. He has given them Homes, Families, Education, Health, Clothing, Shelter and above all, Christ!