by Admin

In a world where wrong thrives and evil dwells in delight
In a world where confusion toys with the minds of men
Where temptations abound and the enticements of pleasures dance in circles
In a world where the love of many have waxed cold and solid hard
Where love only seems to be a shadow of the thoughts of the mind
In a world where anyone hardly ever cares for another
We find a gem.

We find a beacon, a beacon divine.
We find a treasure that God Himself has placed in an earthen vessel:
A man set apart and consecrated for good works.
A Christian whose unquenchable thirst for the work of the Lord leaves many astounded
Bishop Dag-Heward-Mills.

But wait, is he only a venerable Bishop to us
He is a Good Shepherd who leads his flock with care
His words echo like a sacred call when he speaks
from the bowels of his heart to his sheep.
Like the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, he gave up all that he could ever be
for the sake of the flock.
His personal interests, his pleasures, his desires and his youth.

We call him a Father
Because we have found in him one
who cares deep within the heart,
Through his obvious desire that all his children
Come to the knowledge of the truth and do well
A father who wants his sons to grow up as godly respectable men of God
A father who cares for his daughters’ utmost desires – to be maritally bound and increase in fruits
Above all he is a father who wants his children to bear fruits after his own kind.
He wants his children to preach and spread the word.

Oh! Many more things are he to us, He is just amazing; a man with many hats
Remember too, He is an Evangelist,
Like a farmer goes about the fields of souls spreading the seeds
Of good tidings and great joy
Proclaiming the liberty that all men have in Jesus Christ
How he restores men to the love of God is truly the work of the anointing
A man simply set apart for good works

Ah! He is a prophet too, He may term himself a casual prophet
But every word of prophecy that ever proceeded from his lips
Has, as much as, saved many from the clenching jaws of death.
And Oh! His prayers, those communion prayers
They have kept us and protected
The prayers have given hope to believe and live again.

What more can we find in you:
A friend, a counsellor, an anchor, a defense,
A hope in this dark generation
A beacon of light piercing the doom of the enemy.

Bishop Dag, we celebrate you.
Through your trials and triumphs, you’ve led the way,
Inspiring countless souls day by day.
Your legacy is forever etched in hearts of gold,
It is a testament to the shepherd’s role

So here’s to Bishop Dag, a guiding light,
And a radiant tapestry in this world,
Happy birthday Bishop Dag.
We love you.

Naa Borteley Tetteh

A man with a passion and zeal for the work of the Lord
A man consumed with the burning desire for God’s church to grow
God’s own General, the BILL GATES of the soul winning industry who tries his best to go through even the tiniest WINDOWS just for that precious soul.
Unlike STEVE he has made it his JOB to win the lost at any cost, because he knows the souls are the APPLE of God’s eye.
He’s no other person than our own Prophet, Teacher, Pastor and Personal Person, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills.

God anointed him in Suhum way back in 1988 when he heard those ministry transformative words β€œfrom today you can teach”
The Bible says He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much. The faithfulness of our Father in the Teaching anointing has made way for him to have more anointing.

He’s become a marvel in the world and if he were to be a superhero he would have his own infinity gauntlet with the Pastoral, Apostolic, Prophetic, Teaching, and Evangelistic anointings as the infinity stones.
He snaps his fingers and church buildings rise out of the ground, snaps again and there are life-changing crusades all over the world, another snap and best-selling books are written and yet another snap of his fingers and world-class music is produced.

His anointing is more Real than Madrid
And by this man, we will stand United and drive away the pack of wolves fighting him and the church all the way to Nottingham Forest with everything we’ve got in our Arsenal.
God has really blessed us with a good Father who truly loves us and wants what’s best for us!

He gave himself wholly to the ministry and has never looked back
We are all blessed to be seated here and part of this great international family because of this great sacrifice he made many years ago
Most often when people see where the church started from and where it is now, they Scream NO WAY but they forget that our God is YAHWEH (Yeah way).

God bless you Bishop Dag
We love you.

Pastor Kevin Ataa Nii Sowah

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TERESA M REECE May 30, 2024 - 3:50 am

God continue to bless you Prophet πŸ™πŸ»
Long live UD.❀️❀️

Maliyi Njimbasuni Daniel May 30, 2024 - 7:15 am

Wow so so amazing mind blowing words of wisdom from children of the prophet I’m really blessed to belong here too and once again Happy glorious birthday Bishop Dag Heward-Mills πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

Lynn Majongwe May 30, 2024 - 9:50 am

Yes we love you Bishop Dag, what a blessing it is to have you as our father


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