God restored hope and life in Nakpanduri through the power of the gospel!
Miracles have a primary function of confirming the preaching of the Word of God. This is exactly what happened on Day 1 of the Healing Jesus Campaign in Nakpanduri. Chronic pain, blindness, scoliosis and other illnesses were healed by the power of God!
There was joy in Nakpanduri! On Day 2 of the Healing Jesus Campaign. There, people received healing from many diseases and received a new lease of life by the grace of God. I want to encourage you to believe in miracles because miracles are real. Jesus is the Sun of righteousness with healing in His wings.
How wonderful it was to see the power of God changing lives on Day 3 of the Healing Jesus Campaign in Nakpanduri!The healing anointing met the needs of the multitude. There were beautiful testimonies of healing from blindness, paralysis, and the inability to walk. The healing anointing is real!